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Chinese Pyramids Finally Unveiled

Chinese Pyramids

Those are over 100 Chinese pyramids, made of clay, have become nearly stone hard over the centuries. Many are damaged by erosion or farming. One pyramid is as large as the Pyramid of the Sun of Teotihuacan in Mexico (which is as large as the Great Pyramid of Giza). The big pyramid is about 1,000 feet high (other descriptions estimate 1,000 to 1,200 feet high) and roughly 1,500 feet at the base, which makes it twice as large as any pyramid in Egypt. Most are flat topped, some have small temples on top.

Chinese officials have rebuffed all questions about these pyramids and all requests to view them since they are among top secret of China. Successive dynasties have safeguarded the secret from the outside world, the Communists included with the sites being in Forbidden zones - that is until recently when too many toursists coming from the Terracotta Army kept 'discovering' them. They have been planted with trees to disguise them as hills from the air.

The Chinese authorities finally admitted to the 'existence of pyramidal structures' in the 1980s, nowadays some of them even have visitor centres attached.

At the end of the 19th and the first few decades of the 20th century, scientific and archaeological expeditions to the region along the Silk Road in East Turkestan led to the discovery of numerous Uyghur cave temples, monastery ruins, wall paintings, statues, frescoes, valuable manuscripts, documents and books. Members of the expedition from Great Britain, Sweden, Russia, Germany, France, Japan, and the United States were amazed by the treasure they found there, and soon detailed reports captured the attention on an interested public around the world. The relics of these rich Uyghur cultural remnants brought back by Sven Hedin of Sweden, Aurel Stein of Great Britain, Gruen Wedel and Albert von Lecoq from Germany, Paul Pelliot of France, Langdon Warner of the United States, and Count Ottani from Japan can be seen in the Museums of Berlin, London, Paris, Tokyo, Leningrad and even in the Museum of Central Asian Antiquities in New Delhi. The manuscripts, documents and the books discovered in Eastern Turkestan proved that the Uyghurs had a very high degree of civilization.

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